Let’s Play Jeopardy!
Utah TSA Jeopardy was created by our state officers as a fun way to increase TSA participation and spirit in your chapter. The majority of the challenges are items that will help improve your chapter or count as an activity towards the TSA Achievement Program.
Submission of each activity must be entered by the chapter advisor or chapter president using the Google Form link provided on the Utah TSA website. At the time of submission, you must include some kind of document, photos or video that show completion of the activity.
The chapter that earns the post points will receive recognition at the state conference and receive the Chapter Challenge trophy that can be displayed at your school until the next state conference! New this year, middle school chapters and high school chapters will compete in separate divisions.

100 – Hang out with a new friend from TSA and take a photo together outside of your chapter meeting. i.e. grab
lunch, play pickleball, go to the park, etc.
200 – Take a photo of your chapter in TSA swag.
300 – Have your chapter host a social/party.
400 – As a chapter activity, have each member write thank you cards to three of their teachers. Include the
lessons and skills the teacher taught that have had an impact on you.
500 – Plan and execute a chapter activity that provides some kind of service to your school
100 – Host an opening social for your chapter at the start of the year
200 – Advertise TSA at Your School through any method of outreach
300 – Host a joint activity with another CTSO (HOSA, FCCLA, FBLA, etc.) at your school
400 – Host a fundraiser for your chapter to create an additional financial source.
500 – Plan and execute community service project for something other than The American Cancer Society
(ACS) or your school
100 – Create a TSA chapter group chat that can be used by officers to send out announcements to members.
i.e. Remind, Discord server, GroupMe
200 – Create a calendar that includes all of your chapter meetings, special events, service project dates, etc.
300 – Create a project plan that contains milestone deadlines for each competition that your chapter is
participating in. These do not need to be strictly followed but should help members understand their
pacing better.
400 – As a chapter, create individual elevator speeches about why TSA is a great opportunity and practice
them. Have a couple chapter members give their speech to the school administration.
500 – Host a project showcase within your chapter to show off the progression of projects. You can invite
parents or administrators. This serves to help members understand each other’s projects and get
experience explaining their projects, like at state.
100 – Have at least one officer from your chapter attend the Fall Leadership Conference
200 – Have at least one member from your chapter submit to the Pin Design competition
300 – Write a short article about a chapter activity, personal TSA experience, etc. and submit with an accompanying
photo to Utah TSA to be published in the TSA Newsletter.
400 – As a chapter, create a one minute video related to STEM Careers and how TSA can help you prepare for
those careers.
500 – Put together a short presentation on what TSA and how it helps lead toward careers in STEM. Share a couple of projects that were created by your chapter. Coordinate with a teacher in a school that feeds into yours and give the presentation in their class.
100 – Raise a minimum of $25 for The American Cancer Society
200 – Raise a minimum of $50 for The American Cancer Society
300 – Raise a minimum of $100 for The American Cancer Society
400 – Raise a minimum of $200 for The American Cancer Society
500 – Raise a minimum of $400 for The American Cancer Society